Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas Robina Baker Families!

Our staff would like to wish you and yours a holiday season filled with love, many blessings and good health! Enjoy the Christmas break and we will see you all back on Monday, January 5th, 2015.

On a personal note, I would like to thank all those who stopped by to send Christmas greetings and/or treats. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated.

Due to the busy-ness of December, I was having way too much fun doing activities with the students and our blog got a little behind. I will do an update next week to catch you up on all the photos that have not been posted and update you on the activities that are happening in early January.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you and yours!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Weekly Update: December 5, 2014

Hello Robina Baker Families,

It was so wonderful to see all the parents, friends and extended family who came out to see one or all three of our Christmas concerts this week. I know that all the students and staff have been practicing extra hard these last couple of weeks to practice. An extra big thank you goes out to Mrs. Stanski and her team who worked a lot of extra hours to make this event happen!! Amazing performances RBES!

Christmas Elves

Thank you to all of you who donated items for the Christmas Elves. Many toys and food items were collected for the less fortunate in our community.

Upcoming items to note:

Our next family movie night will be on Friday, December the 12th. Doors open at 6:00, with the movie starting at 6:30. In the spirit of the holiday season, we will be watching Arthur Christmas. You can click here for the movie trailer:

Tickets will be sold:
December 8-12 
Mornings: 8:15-8:45 am 
Lunch: 12-1 pm

Tickets will be sold this week!
December 8-12 
Mornings: 8:15-8:45 am 
Lunch: 12-1 pm

Please come and join us for the fun!

Student Spirit Squad . . .

Our student spirit squad has come up with a plan for the rest of the year for some school wide dress up days. This Tuesday, December 9th is "Glitter and Glam" day! Wear your tinsel, garland and anything else sparkly that you can think of to show your holiday spirit. You can also choose to wear red and green.


Students will have the chance to work with our Yoga instructor once again on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. (Dec. 10 and 11th)

RBES Students will be skating during the last week of December (15 - 17 and 19th)

We need 3 volunteers to come out per class for our skating times. We need your help for skate tying and on ice assistance as well. Please let your child's teacher know if you can help with either of these positions. Schedules will be shared with you and online permission forms can be filled out next week.

Assembly date change!

Due to our skating schedule in the last week of December and the busyness of the last day before the Christmas break, we will be having our regular Friday assembly on Thursday, December 18th instead of the 19th. Please mark this change in your calendars.

PJ Day

The last day of school before the Christmas break will be a PJ day. Students are invited to wear their PJs and bring a favourite stuffie. In the afternoon the students will be coming to the gym for a movie with myself and Mr. Henderson. We will be watching Polar Express. 

WEM Waterpark Fundraiser!

Our school fundraising council has booked a WEM waterpark night for our school. The event will take place on Friday, February 27 from 7:00 - 10:00 pm. Tickets are only $10 each. You can purchase tickets online or at the school. 
Click this link: for ticket purchase information. 

This would make a great gift idea! All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to support technology purchases and upgrades that are needed. We thank you in advance for supporting this event!

Gifts of the Heart

We are working on gifts of the heart with our students during this month and each day in the announcements is a challenge or an idea for students to try. Ask your child what each day's announcement is.

Have a great weekend,

Monday, December 1, 2014

Weekly Update: November 28, 2014

Hello Robina Baker Families,

I certainly hope everyone is finding a way to stay warm in this latest round of weather. It feels like a good weekend to curl up with a good book around a roaring fire!

Are you having trouble keeping up with our school calendar? Did you know that you can click the Google Plus bottom at the bottom right hand side of the calendar on our website and it will ask you if you want to add it to your own. This will integrate your home calendar with the school calendar. You can change your view options so that you can view all calendars at once or just click on the single calendar you want to view. Here is what the clickable link looks like:

It appears that there were some leftovers in our calendar that were put in last spring. Those have all been removed and / or updated with current information. I apologize that I did not realize they were there and this may have caused some confusion. Everything is now up to date and we will continue to add items as soon as we are aware of them.

Thank you to our four tour guides who took our school board members around to each of the classrooms yesterday. Kirsten, Jacob, Dominick and Kaydence did a fabulous job representing our school and sharing all the wonderful things that are happening in our school.

Mrs. Lemke chats with Preschool 
Mrs. Koroll chatting with Grade 2D  
Cup stacking competition with Mrs. Eilander and Mrs. Martinson.
Dr. Yanitski, Mr. Kobeluk, Mrs. Martinson, Mrs. Missellbrook,
Mrs. Eilander and Mr. Nosyk join the students to sing
"We Wish You a Merry Christmas!"
Group photo with the board members after the tour.
Thanks again Jakob, Dominick, Kaydence and Kirsten
for being great tour guides!
Mrs. Koroll, our Devon School Trustee, presented 4 staff members with long service award pins. Congratulations Mr. Henderson - 10 years, Mrs. Warrell - 10 years, Mrs. Wilson - 5 years and Mrs. Kloschinsky - 15 years.

Although the snow kept half of our students away on Friday, we still did a lot in our assembly. If you missed it, check out the line dancing on FB that I did with the students - soooo much fun! Since it was month end, we did our Pizza with the Principal draw and our Golden Garbage Can award. Congratulations goes out to 3FM for a fabulous job on keeping their classroom clean this month.

Miss Betty with Reps from 3FM
Congrats Tyson, Quinn, Lucas and Tyler R (kw am) on winning
Pizza with the Principal!

Matthew was our weekly
Wristband Challenge Winner!

Congratulations goes out to all of our Student's of the Week!

This Coming Week:

Friday, December 5 is a PD day, so there is no school for the students.

Christmas Concert News:

Come one, come all to our Christmas Concerts!

Cool Christmas - Hot Christmas

December 1, 2 & 3 
Doors Open at 6:45 pm 
Concert Starts at 7:00 pm (and will run for approximately 45 minutes)
Robina Baker Gym 

Monday, December 1: Concert for: 4S, 1N, 2MT, 2S, 1K, 1L 

Tuesday, December 2: Tuesday: Concert for: 4F, 3R, 3FT, 3FM, 2D, 2AP

Wednesday, December 3: Concert for: Kindergarten

*Remember to bring extra slippers or shoes as we will be asking that all footwear is removed to keep our floors safe and clean! Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Repeat Items from last week:

Our next family movie night will be on Friday, December the 12th. Doors open at 6:00, with the movie starting at 6:30. In the spirit of the holiday season, we will be watching Arthur Christmas. You can click here for the movie trailer:

Tickets will be sold:
December 8-12 
Mornings: 8:15-8:45 am 
Lunch: 12-1 pm

Please come and join us for the fun!

Have a super week,

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Weekly Update: November 21, 2014

This past week was a week filled with activity. The students had the opportunity to enjoy Mission Impossible in the gym. To check out some photos of all the fun, check out Mr. Henderson's physed blog at:

We had our first school council meeting with our new executive on Tuesday. Our chair, Colleen deVos has created a FaceBook page for all the parents to stay up to date on the council happenings. You can view a live feed under our parent information tab and the go to school council / fundraising. You can also click on this link: to take you straight there. Make sure you Like the page to have the updates show up in your newsfeed. A parent training session for the Google platform (gmail, calendar, drive and documents) will be offered on Thursday, November 27th at 9:00. Please contact Mrs. Kloschinsky if you are interested in attending.

Congratulations to this weeks Student of Week winners! 

We celebrated a number of other items at our assembly this past Friday. Mr. Henderson passed out the remainder of the Cross Country awards. Pastor Gil came out to collect the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Thank you so much to the parents, students and staff who collectively filled 92 shoe boxes this year. Ryce won the draw to have his shoe box personally delivered to a child in Nicaragua by Pastor Gil.

During assemblies we are continuing our theme on responsibility this month and we were very thankful to have Constable Durling come out to our assembly and do a presentation for us. 

Upcoming items to note:

Our next family movie night will be on Friday, December the 12th. Doors open at 6:00, with the movie starting at 6:30. In the spirit of the holiday season, we will be watching Arthur Christmas. You can click here for the movie trailer:

Tickets will be sold:
December 8-12 
Mornings: 8:15-8:45 am 
Lunch: 12-1 pm

Please come and join us for the fun!

Christmas Concert News:

We are once again once again excited to invite you to our Annual Christmas Concerts!

Cool Christmas - Hot Christmas

December 1, 2 & 3 
Doors Open at 6:45 pm 
Concert Starts at 7:00 pm (and will run for approximately 45 minutes)
Robina Baker Gym 

Monday, December 1: Concert for: 4S, 1N, 2MT, 2S, 1K, 1L 

Tuesday, December 2: Tuesday: Concert for: 4F, 3R, 3FT, 3FM, 2D, 2AP

Wednesday, December 3: Concert for: Kindergarten

** More details to be sent home and posted shortly

Report Cards and Reporting to Parents:

Report Cards will be formally handed out two times this year. At the end of January and the end of June. As you know we already had one formal set of interviews in the fall and we will have student led conferences in the spring. Parents will have the opportunity to book individual appointments in the spring as well if either the parent or teacher feels a one on one conference is needed. Parents are able to email or call teachers any time throughout the year to sit and discuss the progress of their child. All curriculum reporting is done through the blogs on a weekly basis and will be summarized on the report cards as well.

We are currently in the process of building a consistent template for all of our grade 1-4 students. The teachers will work together through the draft on our December PD day and the templates will be ready for our report cards at the end of January.

School Board Visit:

Our school board will be visiting on Thursday, November 27 in the morning. Two representatives from each of our grade 4 classes will be taking them around on a tour.

Have a great week,

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Update: November 14, 2014

Hello Robina Baker Families,

Well that was one very short, but extremely busy week.  A lot was packed into those three days. A travelling art show arrived at our school. All classes will be able to have the opportunity to view the art work. One piece will be used to write a continuous story that will move through each of the classrooms.

We have started a new theme this month for assemblies. We are working on RESPONSIBILITY. The students watched a video clip and then had a great discussion with Mrs. Mullen. They worked on some responsibility badges that are posted on the bulletin board outside the main foyer by the stairs. The grade four students are starting a series of mini workshops with our school CAP team during assembly times and are working through a variety of age pertinent topics.

Congratulations to our students of the week! Since we had two short weeks in a row, these students were selected to represent those weeks.

Upcoming Week REMINDERS and information:

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are due on Thursday, November 20. There are still shoe boxes available in the office if you haven't had time to pick one up yet.

The Cross Country Team had group photos last week and all certificates will be handed out during the Friday, November 21 assembly. Please plan to attend if you would like to participate in this celebration with your child. The presentation will happen immediately after student of the week awards are handed out.

Our PAC (school council) meeting is being held on Tuesday, November 18th at 9:00 am in the staff room. All parents are welcome to attend.

Please chat with your child:

Since the beginning of the school year there have been issues in both the boys and girls bathrooms. We have tried a number of strategies to teach and model for the students what appropriate bathroom behaviour is. Unfortunately, we are still having instances of paper towel being thrown in the toilets, whole rolls of toilet paper being removed and put into the toilet as well as students not flushing. We would appreciate if you could reiterate this message with your child as it is causing problems at least once a day where a toilet gets plugged and then is out of order until the situation can be handled. Thank you so much for your help.

Have a great week,

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Weekly Update: October 31 and November 6, 2014

Hello Robina Baker Families;

From all the wonderful stories I have heard from your children, Halloween was a success in their eyes and they had a fabulous weekend.

Thank you to all the parents that came out to join in the parade and the various Halloween festivities around the school on Halloween Friday. Here is a small sampling of some of the cool costumes we saw! (I apologize, it took me awhile to get these loaded into a slide show for your enjoyment).

Before Halloween, all of our students had the opportunity to work with Dawn and learn some yoga. Whenever I was able to pop into the gym to check on things, all students seem to really be enjoying themselves. The best comment I heard was, "Mrs. Kloschinsky - I am learning to relax!" - I think we could all learn to do that. :)

Mr. Henderson and I had a great lunch with our Pizza with the Principal winners - Olivia, Mikayla, Marissa and Kolbe. We had a fabulous lunch that was sponsored by FLORIDA PIZZA (Thank You, Thank You) and some excellent conversation. Congratulations to our 4 winners!

Congratulations goes out to our two Golden Garbage Can winners for the month of October. This month, Miss Betty delivered the Golden Garbage Can award to the PK class and we had to take a picture they were so excited!

The parent meetings made the week go by fast and we appreciated having the opportunity to meet with all of you that came out.

Thank you to Mrs. Becker who organized the Book Fair as well as Mrs. Nicholson for volunteering to help with sales. A HUGE Thank You goes out to all the students, staff and parents for supporting our library. A total of $3,300.06 was raised to buy new books.

Leadership Symposium - Caydence, Zayne, Ella, Mylie Mrs. Houle, Mrs. Kaluza and Mrs. Kloschinsky had the opportunity to represent RBES at the student leadership symposium. They all learned some fabulous new ideas to help to continue to promote a healthy school and lifestyle for RBES students. Look for more health promoting activities very soon. It is important to focus on good mental, emotional, physical and nutritional health. After all - you only get one body and you should take good care of it!
The Remembrance Day Assembly was lovely and the student's all sang beautifully. A special thank you goes out to Johnna Rymes who played the trumpet for our ceremony along with Clarence Samuelson for the Last Post and Reveille. We truly appreciated all that came in uniform and were especially thankful to have Legion members as our guests.

Even though next week is a short week, we will still have our regular assembly along with student of the week celebration.

2 shopping weekends to gather stuff for Operation Christmas Child. If you want to do a box with your family instead of bringing one or two items for the classroom box, please pick up a box in the office. Also, one of our boxes will be personally hand delivered by Gil and there will be a draw to see whose box that it. Please put a sticky note on your child's box with their name and class to be entered into the draw. Gill will be taking photos of the child opening one of our hand delivered boxes.

Have a fabulous long weekend,