Friday, March 25, 2016

Weekly Update: March 25, 2016

Happy Easter Robina Families,

I want to wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Easter and Spring Break. I will make this message short and sweet.


Congratulations to all of our spell-a-thon winners! RBES would like to send out a huge thank you to all of our sponsors: Tim Hortons, Dairy Queen, Devon Home Hardware, Florida Pizza, IGA, Subway, Heavens to Betsy and Rexall! Their donation of prizes or sponsorships was greatly appreciated. Thank you once again to Mrs. Tewitz and Mrs. Forchuk for organizing this event. Last but not least - thank you to all the students for studying hard and for going out and getting so many sponsors (Yay for parents, grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles, neighbours and co-workers for your support). Our students raised just under $9,500. This will go a long way to offset field trip costs and upgrade technology in our building.


THANK YOU to all the volunteers for the Family Dance! What a huge success. Special THANKS goes to Becky Dupont for organizing the event. I know you had lots of helpers and we thank them as well! If you missed seeing a small portion of the dance photos on FaceBook, check out the whole selection at this link:


March 25 - April 3: SPRING BREAK
April 4: Back to School
April 5: Klondike Relays
April 6: Early Dismissal
April 8: Mental Health Day Activities
April 12: RBES Fundraiser meeting 5:30
April 13: Staff Appreciation Lunch

**Boys Floor Hockey practices are M, W, F after school except on Early Dismissal Day

PAINT NIGHT is returning. See the photo below for details:

That is all for now. Have a fantastic Break!

Warmest of Hugs,

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Weekly Update: March 11, 2016

Hello Robina Families,

It has been so busy around here the last little while that I haven't had enough time to update the blog for a couple of weeks. I hope March is the month of good health. There have been a number of students and staff who have been sick for many days and we look forward to everyone being healthy again. This is a super long post, so sit back and get comfy!

I would like to welcome in Mrs. Towne who will be covering a medical leave for Mrs. Stanski for music class for approximately 8 weeks. Mrs. Stanski had to have surgery and needs a couple of months for recovery. Mrs. Towne is well acquainted with many of the students and we expect this will be a smooth transition. From all the staff and students, we miss Mrs. Stanski a speedy recovery.

Here are photos for the last two sets of our Students of the Week! Congratulations to all of those who were celebrated. We are very proud of you!

Don't forget to CHANGE Your clocks today!

Robina Raptor Girls Floor Hockey Team are Tournament Champs!!
Our Robina Baker Girls were amazing this past weekend. Not only were they undefeated the whole tournament, but they didn't have a single goal scored on them! Way to Go Raptors!!!! Click this link for lots of great photos!

I would like to send out a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers that helped make our tournament a success this past weekend. There were many staff and parents who gave their time in some way to contribute to the successful two days of this event. I have heard a lot of positive feedback on how fabulous we were as hosts. Thank you Mr. Henderson for being the Chief Organizer and Congratulations to you and Mr. Beck on coaching our girls to such a resounding victory! Please know that the rest of you are just as appreciated, but if I start listing names now there is a good chance I will miss someone as the list was a big one.

BOOK FAIR - The Book Fair will run from Monday, March 14 to Wednesday, March 16. Students will all have a chance to have a walk through and shop during a scheduled time. Click here for a tentative schedule to see which day your child's class will visit the fair. The Book Fair will open each day at 8:30 and close at 5:00 on Monday and Tuesday and 7:00 on Wednesday. The Book Fair will be open at morning recess time, but will be closed at Lunch hour. If there are any parents who are interested in volunteering for the Book Fair, please contact Mrs. Webb at or call her at 780-987-3705.

STUDENT LED CONFERENCES will be held on Wednesday, March 16 for our students in Grades 1-6. Kinder parents please check with your child's teacher as some of them have alternate dates to accommodate all of our students. Conferences will start after school at 3:30 and will be open house style until 7:00. Please arrive by 6:30 at the latest in order to have time to spend with your child in their classroom. This should allow you plenty of time to see what he or she has to show you. If you would like to have an individual meeting time with the teacher, please set that up at an alternate time. We look forward to seeing many of you out for the evening.

Don't forget to STUDY your spell-a-thon Words! Test is coming up this Thursday, March 17!


Please join us for an amazing night out with a DJ, dancing, family and friends, door prizes, candy jar guess, sparkle tattoos, concession (cash only) and the EVER FAMOUS CAKE WALK (which is a fundraiser for our grade 4 Drumheller trip).

Wednesday, March 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 is the date to mark in your calendars!

Tickets: $5.00 per family

Tickets will be sold at the school on March 16 from 4:00 - 6:00, March 21-23 from 8:15-8:30 and at lunch hour as well as at the door on the night of the dance. Come out and join the FUN!!!


On March 18 we will be selling chocolate covered pretzel rods as a fundraiser to help the Grade 4 students on their journey to sleep with the dinosaurs in Drumheller. They are super excited for this trip and we want to thank you in advance for your support in making this happen.

Pretzel Rods are $2 each. If you are interested in purchasing, please send money with your child on the morning of March 18th and we will have them ready to send home by the end of the day!


The Annual Staff vs Students Floor Hockey Game was a lot of fun last Thursday and the cheering and school spirit could be heard for miles. Click on this link for more great pictures!

Super Hero / Character Day! There were tons of great costumes and you can see lots of photos HERE!


** Please REMEMBER to subscribe to our calendar or check regularly at the tab up top or CLICK here for the link. We update our calendar on a daily basis!

- M/W kinder Student Led
- Lunch hour - Klondike Relay sign up
- Boys Floor Hockey practice after school

- T/TH kinder Student Led

- more M/W kinder Student Led
- Student Led for Grades 1-4 - 3:30 - 7:00
- Dance Ticket Sale - 4:00 - 6:00

- Spell-a-thon Test

- Hot Lunch Orders are Due!
- Pretzel Sale to support Drumheller trip
- Boys Floor Hockey practice after school

- SPELL-A-THON money is due

- SPELL-A-THON prizes handed out
- Klondike Relay practice at lunch
- Boys Floor Hockey practice after school


- Good Friday - NO SCHOOL
- Start of Spring Break

- Back to School - Spring Break is over :)


Whew! That was a long one! Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,