Friday, October 27, 2017

Weekly Update: October 27, 2017

Hello Robina Families,

Thank you to everyone who came out for our Teacher meetings this week. It was wonderful to meet or catch up with so many of you. Remember, you don't have to wait for formal meeting times to meet with your child's teacher, you can book appointments with them at any time throughout the year.

VERIFICATION FORMS: Thank you to all who have taken the time to do these on Power School. Our school still has 62 students with forms not done -- our secretaries will be giving you a call this week if your forms are not done, so please help them out and go online and finish these as soon as you can. It really helps us with accurate and up to date information for phone calls and school communication. As well there are FOIP forms and technology use agreements that need to be updated. If forms are not completed by the end of the week, technology useage will be removed for your child as this covers safety and responsibility and we are technically not supposed to allow useage until this form is signed by the parents. Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Our book fair was another smashing success! A huge THANK YOU goes out to all of you for supporting the book fair as the proceeds result in lots of new books for our library! Ms. Caudron gets kudos from all of us on her extra time put in to add contests and make our fair so much fun for all.

Congratulations to all of the following winners:

Coloring Contest, Grade 3/4 bubble gum guess and Family Prize Draw Winner: (presented at assembly)

K-2 Bubblegum guess winner: (taken last week in library)

Family Draw Winner with their prizes (awarded in library): 4C was the classroom winner!


You can check out our assembly agenda here: .  As a finale on the theme of Respect, we enjoyed a presentation from 3A and 3B with a wonderful upbeat song that had our students grooving along and singing throughout the day! You can check out the song lyrics and a video of the students singing on the 3B blog post here: or you can hear the song by the artist here:


You can find individual student of the week photos at this link:


Missing: Bently from T/TH kinder class -- also a winner!
We will be enjoying our lunch together on Thursday, November 2. Thank you to Florida Pizza for once again sponsoring this for our RBES students! Much appreciated!

For your information:

Regional Collaborative Service Delivery  - Team School Visits:


Image result for halloween tip sheet


If you would like to have some original one of a kind Christmas cards featuring your child's art work to give away this year, then our RBES Fundraising Committee has just the deal for you. Please check out the information details below. Orders are due: Friday, November 10th.

Christmas Card Order Form PDF - You can download a form here if you misplaced yours.


We have volunteers ready to do our first lice check!  As a preventative measure, we have trained volunteers at the school three or four times throughout the school year or on an as-needed basis to check the students for head lice.  At this time there are NO identified cases of head lice in our school.

The trained volunteer WILL check your child’s head unless you complete the DO NOT CHECK my child form on PowerSchool. 

On our website, we always have information on how you can check for head lice and what to do if you find any!

If you have any questions or wish to volunteer, please feel free to contact the School at (780) 987-3705 or sign up to be a volunteer on PowerSchool.


UPCOMING EVENTS: (Click here for a link to our RBES Calendar) - We have been made aware that our calendar on the RBES website is not always syncing with our Google calendar. If you use the link above or subscribe to the calendar using the link above you will not experience any problems. 


Wednesday, Nov. 8: Early Dismissal - 2:21 pm

Friday, Nov. 10: NO Regular Friday assembly today

Friday, Nov. 10: Remembrance Day Ceremony @ 10:45 AM

Friday, Nov. 10: Christmas Card orders due!

Monday, Nov. 13: NO SCHOOL - midterm break

Have a lovely week,

Monday, October 23, 2017

Weekly Update: October 22, 2017

Hello Robina Families,

It's hard to believe that we are nearing the end of October! Our students and staff have been very busy and there is lots of great learning happening in all of the classrooms. Remember to check out your child's teacher's blog to see regular classroom updates. Can't remember how to get to your teacher's blog?? Go to our website:; click on the About tab and then click on Staff Contacts / Blogs -- this will take you to a page with direct email and blog links for each of our teachers.

Bus Safety:

You might have heard your child talking about bus safety this past week. All students at Robina Baker participated in Bus Safety. The program started with interactive games and discussions in the classroom, followed by some real practice on the big yellow bus! This was valuable learning for all of our students, regardless if they ride the bus regularly or not. Besides learning how to be safe on the bus, they learned how to be safe when seeing a bus on the road. Our students were excellent learners -- congrats to you all on a job well done!

Professional Development: 

Throughout the year, teachers and support staff participate in Professional Development days. We feel it is important for us to share with our families some of the learning that happens during these days. Most of our teaching staff attended sessions on curriculum mapping. These sessions allowed teachers to dissect the Alberta Education curriculum and make plans for their classrooms. Teachers also had the opportunity to showcase some of the great resources they are using with other teachers within our district. Other sessions included: Google apps training, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, and round table discussions. We had a great day connecting with other teachers and support staff in our district!

Cold Weather:

Just a reminder that as the weather gets colder, we need our students to bring and wear all the items that will keep them warm at recess. 


We will be holding our annual Parent Meetings on Wednesday, October 25 from 3:30 to 7 pm. Your child’s teacher may also be available for additional time throughout the week - Please touch base with them. Both kinder teachers will be in for more than one evening. Wednesday will be a common time for those families that have more than one child at our school.

To book your appointment - online signup 

Halloween Costumes

With Halloween just around the corner, we are starting to get a number of inquiries about costumes and appropriate choices for young children. Our youngest students are age 3 and our oldest are 10 years old. Please keep in mind that a number of our children are frightened by some of the gory/scary/trendy costumes that are out there. WE are asking that the following guidelines be followed:


  • No missing body parts
  • No bloody masks or overly significant bloody makeup
  • No weapons
  • No Clowns like the one that is popular right now from the movie IT

  • Creative, fun and friendly.
  • Traditional children ghost and witch costumes (see below).
  • Super-heroes and princesses.
  • Animated characters eg. Pooh Bear, Pokemon, Minion
  • Fuzzy animal costumes.

If in doubt about your child's costume choice, please contact their teacher. Your child can always wear something different at night for trick or treating (if you prefer), but we ask that our school environment is kept to a happy and non-scary/threatening place. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter! IF you need help with ideas for appropriate children's costumes, there is a plethora of ideas on Pinterest. Here is one such link: or try this one: Happy costume hunting/creating!


UPCOMING EVENTS: (Click here for a link to our RBES Calendar) - We have been made aware that our calendar on the RBES website is not always syncing with our Google calendar. If you use the link above or subscribe to the calendar using the link above you will not experience any problems. Thank you to the two parents that let us know that items were missing so that we can let BGRS know to fix the problem - much appreciated!!

Monday, Oct. 23rd: Book Fair begins and will be open until Thursday, Oct. 26 at lunch! 

Book Fair Hours:

Monday  9:00 - 4:00
Tuesday  9:00 - 4:00
Wednesday  9:00 - 7:00
Thursday  9:00 - 12:00

Wednesday, Oct. 25th: Parent/Teacher Meetings - online signup 

Thursday, Oct. 26th: Photo Retakes


Tuesday, Oct. 31: Halloween Parade - 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL - PD DAY!

Wednesday, Nov. 8: Early Dismissal

Friday, Nov. 10: Remembrance Day Ceremony @ 10:45 AM

Enjoy your week,

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Weekly Update: October 15, 2017

Hello Robina Families,

Monday, October 16th is Election Day -- don't forget to go out and vote!


Mr. Coffin and I have been spending every recess outside with our students on top of our regular four supervisors and we are noticing lots of "hands on" playing. We have a "hands free" rule in our school with the exception of playing tag. Students need to ask for hugs if they want one or to hold another student's hand. We explain that not everyone is comfortable with touch - even a hug - and that it is respectful to ask. There are many boys (although there are a few girls too), who are playing tackle games, war games or play fighting where they are anything from ninja's to super-heroes, this inevitably ends up in someone going too far and someone getting hurt. We have repeated this message a number of times in the classrooms and throughout the assemblies, but the games continue and although we want to encourage free play and imagination, we are not ok with the number of students getting "accidentally" hurt. If you could chat with your children and help remind them of this rule, we would appreciate it as we are trying to make a playground area as safe as possible.

Communication with regards to playground conflicts, accidents or problem solving is based on the level of severity. All of our supervisors spend the majority of recess time intervening, problem solving or helping students who fall in a game, run into each other or get hurt some other way. Due to the young age of the majority of our population it is inevitable that students will run into someone or something, fall down or get into an argument because something isn't fair. This is the nature of 5-10 year olds. If your child is involved in something with a supervisor and it is able to be dealt with on the spot (called problem solving), apologies are made, lessons are learned and the students head off to play, then most likely this is not communicated outside of the playground supervisors. If a student ends up in the office or has to be attended to medically, then the classroom teacher is notified and if serious enough, parents are immediately notified. Our number one priority is to work with the students to get things resolved and sometimes it may take more than a few minutes (in rare cases - hours) to meet with all involved and so communication can get delayed. We really do try our best to keep on top of things, but sometimes the sheer volume of students to speak with doesn't allow us to be as expedient as we would like. Also, there are times when a child has a problem, but they don't let us know and then they go home and tell you as their parent. We can't deal with issues that we are not aware of. We try to teach our students to speak up right away as it is much easier to deal with things while fresh in their minds. Often by the next day, stories change, children forget and it makes it pretty tough to find out what really went on. If your child comes home with something that wasn't shared with us at school, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can help find a resolution as quickly as we can.


You can check out our assembly agenda here: . As we finish on the theme of Respect, we talked about Stranger Danger and about how Respect, Responsibility and keeping Safe are all intertwined. The students did an excellent review and many really enjoyed today's songs.


You can find individual student of the week photos at this link:


BGRS School Trustee, Sandy Koroll, was in last week to present Black Gold long service awards to some of our staff members. Unfortunately, Mrs. deCrombrugghe (5 years of service at BGRS) is away for surgery at the moment and we will have to present hers at a later date, however, 3 of our staff members were celebrated in their learning spaces with Trustee Koroll presenting them with a long service pin. Congratulations to our staff members on reaching their respective milestones!

Mrs. Ostonal - 20 years

Ms. Caudron - 5 years

Mrs. Waters - 15 years


We will be holding our annual Parent Meetings on Wednesday, October 25 from 3:30 to 7 pm. Your child’s teacher may also be available for additional time throughout the week - Please touch base with them. Both kinder teachers will be in for more than one evening. Wednesday will be a common time for those families that have more than one child at our school.

To book your appointment - online signup 

A Thousand Thank Yous!

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Terry Fox Walk.  We raised $1057.85 for the Terry Fox Foundation!

REMINDER: Still missing some of those verification forms. Please get them done!


Extra information and permission form link for Fred Penner: CLICK HERE!


I have found a couple of good resources for parents to have a look at. I often get the question about screen time and what is appropriate.  Interesting article here:

Conclusion and summary of the article:

Dr. Christakis was more willing to cut me that slack. "I often to say to parents, if you're using the device to give yourself a break … I think that's fine. I really do," he said. "But know that that's why you're doing it. I think if you're using it because you think it's educational or beneficial for your child, that's where you need to think again."

How to manage screentime:

The Canadian Paediatric Society’s new position on toddlers and tech is that children under the age of two should not have screen time of any kind.

The Canadian Paediatric Society's new position statement recommends families follow the four "M"s when it comes to screen time and young children.

Minimize screen time
Screen time for children under 2 is not recommended. For two- to five-year-old children, limit routine screen time to less than one hour a day. Maintain daily screen-free time, especially at meals and at least an hour before bedtime.

Mitigate the risks associated with screen time
Be present and engaged when screens are used and, whenever possible, co-view with children. Be aware of digital content, prioritizing educational, age-appropriate, interactive content.

Be mindful about the use of screen time
Conduct a self-assessment of screen habits and develop a family media plan for when, where and how screens may (and may not) be used and be reassured there is no evidence to support introducing technology at a young age.

Model healthy screen time
Adults should turn off their devices at home during family time, turn off screens when not in use and avoid background TV.

A second great article that includes a book suggestion that has some great information:

Jeff Rossen's new book, "Rossen to the Rescue"

Now that school is out and summer is in full swing, kids may be tempted to spend more time in front of screens, such as tablets, smartphones and laptops. But experts say kids already spend too much time staring at screens — an average of seven hours a day, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The Academy recently updated its recommendations about how much time kids should spend on their devices, providing a full list broken down by age. They recommend screen time for children under 2 years old should be limited to video chatting and for those ages 2 through 5, limit screen time to only one hour a day. Kids 6 years and older can have more screen time but need an hour of exercise. No children should be in front of a screen an hour before bed.
Dr. Delaney Ruston of Stony Brook University Hospital, director of the film "Screenagers," says that when a child is engrossed in an iPad, tablet or similar device, "it releases a hormone in the brain, dopamine, that is so rewarding, kids want this more and more. And therefore when they are not on these highly stimulating screens, they actually can get really agitated."

Are your kids interested in Lego? Here is an opportunity for them!

UPCOMING EVENTS: (Click here for a link to our RBES Calendar) - We have been made aware that our calendar on the RBES website is not always syncing with our Google calendar. If you use the link above or subscribe to the calendar using the link above you will not experience any problems. Thank you to the two parents that let us know that items were missing so that we can let BGRS know to fix the problem - much appreciated!!

Monday, Oct. 16: Kinder Safety City field trip for Mrs. Water's Kinder classes

Tuesday, Oct. 17: School Wide LockDown Drill

Thursday, Oct. 19: Fruit Orders Due!

Thursday, Oct. 19 - Fred Penner Field Trip - Grades 1 - 4 

Friday, Oct. 20th: NO SCHOOL! PD Day!


Monday, Oct. 23 - Wednesday, Oct. 25: Book Fair

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Parent/Teacher Meetings - online signup 

Thursday, Oct 26: Photo Retakes

Tuesday, Oct. 31: Halloween Parade - 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL - PD DAY!

Enjoy your week,

Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekly Update: October 8, 2017

Hello Robina Families,

The staff of RBES would like to wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving! We hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend and been able to enjoy some family time together!


You can check out our assembly agenda here: . The story that we shared was very powerful and would be a great one to revisit as a family. 


You can find individual student of the week photos at this link:

REMINDER: Still missing some of those verification forms. Please get them done!


Extra information and permission form link for Fred Penner: CLICK HERE!

Need your flu shot? Here is a list of upcoming clinics:

Are your kids interested in Lego? Here is an opportunity for them!

Monday, Oct. 9: NO SCHOOL! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, Oct. 10: Fruit Fundraiser going home (for Grade 4 year end field trip)


Monday, Oct. 16: Kinder Safety City field trip for Mrs. Water's Kinder classes

Tuesday, Oct. 17: School Wide LockDown Drill

Thursday, Oct. 19: Fruit Orders Due!

Thursday, Oct. 19 - Fred Penner Field Trip - Grades 1 - 4 

Friday, Oct. 20th: NO SCHOOL! PD Day!

Wednesday, Oct. 25: Parent/Teacher Meetings - online signup coming soon!

Monday, Oct. 23 - Wednesday, Oct. 25: Book Fair

Enjoy your week,

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekly Update: October 1, 2017

Hello Robina Families:

Whew! What an amazingly busy week we had at RBES! On top of all of our great learning, we had students going to Cross Country, student photos, talked about Orange Shirt Day and it's significance at our Friday assembly and then participated in the Terry Fox Run! 


You can check out our assembly agenda here: . The story that we shared was very powerful and would be a great one to revisit as a family. 


You can find individual student of the week photos at this link:


Please remember if you ever have a concern or have feedback for us, we want to hear it! We would prefer if you spoke directly to your child's teacher first or to the office for more global concerns, so that we can address small issues before they become bigger ones. All of our staff work very long hours and as human beings we do occasionally make mistakes. We are happy to correct these when made aware of them and would prefer to do so directly with those whom we have inadvertently created angst. We have a very loving and caring staff who truly have children's best interests at heart. Sometimes things are seen and heard out of context and we are judged for a snapshot in time. This is something that I normally encourage staff to take with a grain of salt and let it roll off their shoulders, as almost always, these unfortunate perceptions can be cleared up with a simple conversation. However, I must admit that I am bothered lately when social media is used to vent about things that our staff is unaware of and yet no one has come in to speak with us. That is not only unfair, but hurtful, especially when I have a bird's eye view of how hard each person in this building works and how deeply we all care for your children. It is understandable that we all get emotional from time to time when it is felt that something is unjust or unfair, but we respectfully request that you bring it to our attention directly, so we can continue to work together to make this school and this community the best it can be for you and your children. Thank you in advance for your attention to our concern.


This is a quick reminder to get those online verification forms done. Our school still has many that are not done. There were both email and text reminders sent out to you from Black Gold. This replaces that paperwork package that we used to send home every fall. The faster you get this done, the quicker we can have our information updated. Already we have had to make some calls home and phone numbers and email addresses have changed and it makes communication very difficult -- this is worrisome to us, especially in an emergency. Thank you in advance for getting to this quickly!

Here is a copy of what the email looks like in case you are unable to find it in your inbox:


Our cross country team travelled to Peace Hills Park in Wetaskiwin this past Tuesday to participate in the LDAA district meet. Our students did an amazing job on challenging themselves to complete this tough hilly course. The team members will be recognized at assembly when the season is done. We will let parents know in advance when that celebration will be. Thank you to the parents that came out to watch and cheer our kiddos on! You can see some pictures from that day at this link:

They have their next event on Tuesday, October 3 after school at Ecole Coloniale Estates School! Here is the race schedule for those who are interested:

After that some of our kiddos are headed to Leduc Estates school on October 7th to wrap up the Cross Country season.


The Government of Alberta has allocated funds for School Nutrition. We are looking to our wonderful community for some ideas as to how we could go about increasing positive nutrition for our children. 

Please click on this link to submit your ideas! 


Thank you to all the parents who came out to walk with our students and for the families who donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.  We will let you know next week for much money we raised.  If you missed it you can still donate online at:

We would also like to send a huge thank you to the JMHS students who volunteered to walk with our classes this year! It was wonderful to have your participation in this event and we really appreciated the extra sets of hands. YOU ROCK!!!

The DEVON LIONS CLUB also gets a huge shout out from our school, and all of the other Devon schools that participated in the run, for providing apples and granola bars to snack on. Thank you for sending some extra hands to help with passing out the food as well. Your continued support over the years is much appreciated!


A big thank you to St. Georges Anglican Church in Devon who donated grocery cards for our "Pantry".  We like to have fresh fruit for our kiddos who forget a snack or lunch.  The Leduc Food Bank also supplies us with cheese and crackers, granola bars, fruit cups and juice boxes.


A number of community agencies provide support through parenting and informational workshops. Check out the numerous opportunities below!





Some Great Caregiver Sessions:

UPCOMING EVENTS: (Click here for a link to our RBES Calendar)

Monday, Oct. 2: Custodial Appreciation Day! THANK YOU Miss Betty & Miss Pam for all you do!

Tuesday, Oct. 3: Coloniale Cross Country Run - after school

Tuesday, Oct. 3: School Council and RBES Fundraiser Meetings -- Start time 6:00 pm

Wednesday, Oct. 4: Early Dismissal @ 2:21 pm

Thursday, Oct. 5: National Teacher Day!

Friday, Oct. 6: Kinder Safety City field trip for both of Ms. Garlough's classes

Saturday, Oct. 7: John Bole Classic Cross Country Run in Leduc


Monday, Oct. 9: NO SCHOOL! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, Oct. 10: Fruit Fundraiser going home (for Grade 4 year end field trip)

Thursday, Oct. 12: School Wide LockDown Drill

Monday, Oct. 16: Kinder Safety City field trip for Mrs. Water's Kinder classes

Thursday, Oct. 19: Fruit Orders Due!

Friday, Oct. 20th: NO SCHOOL! PD Day!

Have a wonderful week,