Saturday, March 14, 2015

Weekly Update: March 13, 2015

Hello Robina Baker Families,

I hope you are all having an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sunshine these last few days! I know it has certainly changed the energy level and excitement of the students!


Thank you to everyone that sent in updated phone and email information. Power Announcer went live on Tuesday for absence phone calls. You will receive a Voice Message and a text if you have both a land line and a cell phone number as a reminder if you haven't already called in to report your child's absence. Sending our other communication digitally will now also improve and be easier. Please remember to report any changes in contact information as soon as you can. We had a situation last week, where all 4 phone numbers for one family had changed. If there is an emergency, we need your most current information. The good news is we are happy to report that we have at least one email address for each family in our school, which allows any quick communications to be sent out easily. Thank you for your help with this.


Thank you to 2S and 2MT who did a fabulous presentation on bucket filling. You can see the video of the presentation at this link on our FB page: 2S, 2MT Bucket Filling video

Goes out to this week's Student of the Week Kiddos!!!


Monday, March 16: Grade 1s have dental presentations
Tuesday, March 17: Grade 4s are going skiing, St. Patrick's Day - wear Green or fear the pinch of a Leprechaun
Wednesday, March 18: Yoga, School Council Meeting at 7:00 pm with the SOS (Fundraising Committee) to follow right after
Thursday, March 19: Spell-a-thon Test!
Friday, March 20: Beach Vacation Day, Hot lunch orders are due and a special presentation for grade 4 students from SAFFRON

**There are more details on the Calendar; use this link:


Conferences are being held on Wednesday, March 25 from 3:30 - 7:00 pm. There is no formal schedule; we will be using a drop in format. The students have been excitedly getting ready to show off what they have been learning! Expect to spend approximately 20 minutes with your child on this evening. Please understand, because of the level of traffic on this night, there will be no individual interview times with teachers. If would like to speak with your child's teacher individually, please phone or email them and they can arrange a time with you on another day. Many parents utilize these individual meetings regularly and our hope is that if there is a concern or you require a meeting that you let us know as the need arises. We hope to see all of our families out on this evening!


Just a reminder to all that our spring book fair is being held the same week as the student led conferences: March 23-25. Specific hours for this event will be sent out shortly. We hope to see you there!

Please note: I will be away at an admin conference from Monday, March 16 - 18. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Mr. Henderson.

Enjoy the beautiful weekend,

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