Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekly Update: March 27, 2015

Hello Robina Families,

I hope you are all having a fantastic start to your spring break. I will do a quick recap of a couple of items/events from last week and give you a quick look into our schedule for when we are all back.


As many of you have already heard, our Spell-a-thon was a HUGE success. Thank you to everyone who participated. We raised $9,600 for technology in our school. Fabulous job RBES students, parents and staff! After the presentation of the prizes, Mrs. Tewitz and Mrs. Forchuk gave all students and staff an ice cream treat. What a fabulous job they both did organizing this event!

Book Fair:

Thank you to all who attended and supported our Book Fair! A big THANK YOU goes out to Mrs. Becker and her volunteer crew for another fabulous event! The Book Fair is a lot of fun, but also a lot of work goes on the scenes to make that happen. As I heard many students and staff say this week, "We LOVE you Mrs. Becker" "You're the Best!" and I would completely agree. Thanks to all of this effort our students will see $3,000 in new products for our library very shortly!

Student Led Conferences:

Student Led Conferences were very well attended and many parents had the opportunity to have a peak into their child's world of learning. Thank you for taking the time to come out to this Celebration of your child's learning - I know many of them were excited that you came!

Google Conference follow-up:

Our google conference kiddos met with Mr. Maltais this week to create a presentation to be shared with all of our grade 4 students. What a great job they did! I can't wait to see them teach this after spring break!

Grade 4 anti-bullying slide shows:

I wanted to send out a big Congratulations to all the students in 4S who completed anti-bullying presentations based on their learning with the Saffron group last week. A number of these will be presented at the assemblies in the upcoming weeks. One of the most powerful videos used in one of those presentations was this one shared by Nakisha that I posted earlier on FaceBook. It captures the message beautifully.

New Website:

Our new website is up and running. THANK YOU to Mrs. Horrocks as she did the majority of the data transfer. The new site looks fabulous and now has a common look to BGRS and the other schools who have transferred over to the new platform. By June all BGRS schools will be under this new format. Until the link is updated on the BGRS website, here is the address for you to save to your favourites. 

Browse around to see where everything is. Our most important link - the Calendar, has it's own tab and is still the same google calendar, so if you have already bookmarked it, that has not changed.

After Spring Break:

Tuesday, April 7th: a number of our students will be running in the Klondike Relays. Mr. Henderson posted an update of information on FB at this link: RBES FB

Tuesday - Friday, April 7-10: Alberta Dental Health Services will be in to visit the K-2 students.

Saturday, April 11: RBES Fundraiser Scrapbook Crop! Use this link to register if you are interested: Details and information are in the poster below:

School Counil / Fundraiser Update:


Wednesday, April 29: SOS Fundraiser meeting at 6:30 pm, PAC school council meeting at 7:30 - Mark your calendars and plan to attend!

***There will be a survey sent to all parents shortly to gather information for the fundraising committee. Please watch your inbox.

Enjoy a great week with your families and have a HAPPY EASTER! See you on Tuesday, April 7th when we return to classes!

Warmest Regards,

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