Sunday, March 19, 2017

Weekly Update: March 20, 2017

Hello Robina Families,

Thank you to all of our families who came out for the Student Led Conferences. It was was wonderful to see so many students sharing what they are learning with all of you! If you are interested in checking out a few pictures from that day, you can click here:  A few of these pictures even made it into the paper! I just love seeing our school and all the awesome things we are doing being featured in the Dispatch. The students love it too and we often get to see their excitement when they bring in their featured pics the following Monday.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who supported our Book Fair as well. It was another rousing success and there will be many many new books in our library to read due to everyone's support and generosity. THANK YOU Mrs. Raugust and volunteers who put in many extra hours to make this happen!


Klondike relay practices have started! All students in grade 3 and 4 who were interested have been practicing all week. They all brought home forms to fill out on Friday. If they some how forgot it or lost it, you can get a copy here:  Also, permission forms will be up on Power School on Monday. It will be an optional item that you need to add to your cart. We would like all permission forms and fees in before students head out for spring break as we have to have our numbers and entry in asap.

We often hear the question, "why didn't practices start sooner?" I thought I would answer that here. February and March is a tricky time with floor hockey, drama practices, students in regular hockey, our gym being used by other schools for basketball and we end up usually only have 2 weeks to pull things together. This is why we practice at lunch every day for two weeks. 

You will notice the bus fee is higher this year to go to the relays. Normally we share a bus with RMS, however, they are not attending this year and as a result our bus cost is up a little. The relay event is on Tuesday, April 4th and we will be leaving school at 3:45 to reach the Butterdome in time to find a spot to sit, warm up and get our registration package before the event begins at 5:00 pm. If any parents want to come and help out by supervising a group of students in the stands, we would appreciate the extra sets of hands!

A day filled with green . . . and pots of gold . . . and leprechauns . . . and . . . 

St. Patrick's Day filled our school to the rafters with green! There were leprechaun tracks and traps and all kinds of St. Paddy's day fun added to the curriculum for the day. What awesome school spirit RBES!! Here a just a few more pics:


The theme this month is responsibility. Check out this week's agenda

THANK YOU TO KW, 4B AND 4C for their awesome poem this week on Responsibility! It was hard to get everyone in one photo, but you get the idea if you were not there!


For individual photos - Click Here


Random Acts of Kindness

We continue to catch our students being kind!

A huge thank you to George's Diner at the Anglican Church who donated $75 in gift cards which enables us to buy fresh fruit for students who do not have a snack or lunch!


Thank You for Buying Hot-dogs for Humpty!
The 3C class would like to say thank you for buying hot-dogs!  They raised almost $800 for Humpty!

Alberta School Councils' Association in partnership with the Robina Baker School Council Invite you to an interactive & informative workshop explaining the School Council Purpose & Fundraising Association Partnership Purpose

March 23: 5:30 - 8:00 pm

Are you getting excited for the DANCE??  WE SURE ARE!!!  We have been planning like crazy!!! This is going to be a great night to help get us in the mood for SPRING BREAK!

There are a few new things happening this year with the dance.  We have the Town of Devon BBQ trailer coming to feed us all supper.  $5.00 buys you a Combo!  (hot dog, two treats and a drink)   Treats include applesauce, veggie bags, chips and granola bars.

We are also doing a pre-order on PowerSchool. Hate standing in line?  Order your tickets by Tuesday at midnight and we will pack up your tickets and send them home in your child’s Kanga Pouch.  That way when Thursday rolls around, you can walk right into the dance, pick up your food, and enjoy the night.

Other than your $5.00 admission ticket, all other tickets are interchangeable!  All worth $1.  If you buy a hot dog combo, or the $20 ticket pack you will receive the same types of tickets for both.  That way if you get to the dance, and you only end up needing one hot dog combo instead of two, you can use the extra tickets at the cakewalk, or inside the dance.

We also have a Silent Auction this year and the auction items that are coming in are surpassing our expectations.  We have two signed Hockey Pictures (Gordie Howe), a pair of Snowshoes, Dinner for 6 at Taste of China, massages, pedicures, a pair of sunglasses, kids toys, board games, a Classic Race Car Track, and more.  If you would like to bid on an item please bring cash or cheques to the dance. 

The last surprise we have is that if we get 100 tickets donated, the Robina Baker Staff have a Special Dance planned for the end of the night!  We will definitely need our phones out for that one!

Hope to see everyone there!

If you have any questions please contact Becky Dupont at

***you can purchase additional tickets at the dance if need be.


It is hoped that every student in Grade 4 donates a baked cake (homemade or store bought) to our fundraiser, as all proceeds are going towards our year end Camp Warwa Adventure! Please bring your cakes first thing in the morning on Thursday, March 23. Parent Volunteers will be collecting them and setting them up in the Meeting Place (Music room). Please don't forget to indicate if your cake is nut free or not! Thank You!!!!


We have added Boston Pizza to Hot lunch on the last Friday of the month!  Bugs and Cheese, Individual Cheese or Pepperoni pizzas and Spaghetti are available. 

We have been listening to your feedback!  Larger portions are now an option for The Secret Kitchen.  There is also an option for a complimentary cookie.  Some of the items available to order for April are; Hamburger Soup, Mac and Cheese and Cauliflower, Spaghetti and Ham and cheese sandwiches.  Please log onto your account to see a complete menu. 

There will be a survey close to the end of the year.  We would appreciate all feedback to help the parent Volunteers running the program make it even better next year. 


School fees are past due please pay online in PowerSchool or in person in the office as soon as you can.  If you are having financial hardship and are unable to pay your fees, please call the office at 780-987-3705.

Next Year Classes!

A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL FAMILIES WHO HAVE ALREADY FILLED THIS OUT! MUCH APPRECIATED! However, we have a number who have not filled out our survey yet, please do so asap. The secretaries will be calling you personally if this form is not filled out by Wednesday, March 22. Thank you!

Please fill out the following survey link to indicate if your children will be returning next year:


How does the new Alberta Budget impact Black Gold? If you are interested please click here: for a media release with some information for you!

Important Community Information

Please check out our Community Page on our website!

Parents Links is a new page we have with links to articles of interest for parents:

March 21 - Crazy Sock Day! - wear crazy socks

March 23 - Family Dance! Buy your tickets on PowerSchool - 5:30 - 8:00 pm!

March 24 - March 31 - Spring Break

March 28 - Open House - 6-9 pm at Devon Community Centre - Future planning and Growth in DevonParents have a key opportunity for input at this meeting

April 3 - Back to School

April 4 - Klondike Relays (bus leaves at 3:45)

April 5 - Early Dismissal

April 7 - Zirka performance at assembly

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

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